
A Blog About Wherever My Mind Takes Me.

How Architecture Can Impact Society

I don’t think most people realize the significance of city planning and construction on social and economic development. Obviously, good infrastructure promotes prosperity by linking people to one another, providing access to resources, facilitating industry and commerce, and more. But even the way we design neighborhoods and buildings, and how we utilize the space they’re built, can have larger consequences down the world.

The video below features a TEDx Talk by architect Mark Hammond, who discusses some of the subtle but profound ways that city design can help or hurt a given community. His discussion couldn’t be more topical, given that more people in the world are living in cities than ever before (a threshold that was only recently passed). How we accommodate this influx of people will be vital to the fate of billions. Like it or not, cities will be undisputed center of human activity and civilization, so it’s best that we learn how to best develop and run them.

As always, feedback is welcome.

7 responses to “How Architecture Can Impact Society”

  1. I watched that talk the other day. He is a very good speaker, though I bet he annoys some of the people that are in things just for money =) So many of his ideas seem like they would be wonderful if there were enough people who cared about others more than themselves.

    1. Exactly. Not everyone is interested in creating cities that accommodate all members of the community. Geographic separation is becoming a problem. But I think more advocacy like this may make the difference 😉

  2. This post just helped me out immensely! I am an architecture student, and I hope to construct such structures one day which would change the society in the best of manners and we all could live in a happy, peaceful place.
    Love your blog. Definitely following it up for more of such posts!

    1. I am happy to hear that! Thank you for sharing this with me 🙂

    1. I never even conceived of an Epicurean angle for this topic. I am very intrigued. Thank you!

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